The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine also known as Rada has sanctioned a number of “Secondary Gambling Laws”. These laws will supplement the Gambling law mandate that was officially approved by it for developing a basis for UGLC, a “Ukraine’s Gambling and Lottery Commission”. Reportedly, the UGLC is the first of its kind that is being formed in the state of Ukraine.
As per a report, the main task of the Gambling and Lottery Commission (UGLC) is to keep an eye on licensed activities related to gambling and keep a track of them as well as it will observe the market behavior while acting as the legal entity of the state.
Recently in the close proceedings of the month of September, the ministers of Rada had approved a ‘secondary decree’ regarding the establishment of this gambling commission known as the Gambling and Lottery Commission.
This decree contains remit and objectives of the gambling commission and provides certain details regarding how this legal entity will run with respect to its “regulatory functions, legislative authority, structure and financing”.
While providing a review of the conditions and requirements present in the decree, the Managing Partner of CIS law firm 4H Agency Ilya Machavariani said that it has not been yet made clear “what kind of decisions would be permissible for UGLC to make and what kind of decisions UGLC is going to make.” However, Machavariani said that most certainly, this Ukrainian gambling commission “would not be able to override provisions of the Law”.
Moreover, before the Ukrainian government officially rolls out a controlled and regulated federal marketplace for gambling, the Ukrainian Gambling and Lottery Commission will be given the responsibility to handle “licensing controls” next year in 2021, as per the report.
Furthermore, the UGLC agency will turn into a central agency once the market is activated. As a central agency, it will then keep an eye on operators’ market behaviors and enforcement with respect to the compliance of relevant laws and regulatory requirements, etc. it will also make sure that initiatives taken for conducting safe gambling are set in place in the state.
There are six members in the executive team of the UGLC and a new Kyiv office will also be formed for this commission which will serve as a home for it.